2020 Western Big 6 Cross Country Meet

Hosted by Rock Island Rocks

Thursday 10/15/19

LIve Stream: https://boxcast.tv/view/wb6-cross-country-379719
The cost for viewing the live stream is $5

Forecast:  56 degree is expected for the daytime high  (Winds 14mph & 20% chance of rain)
Make sure you have warm clothing.  

Location: Saukie Golf Course 

The bus will departure Wharton Field House @ 1:25 p.m.

4:00 Girls Race
Lylia, Aylson, Ryliegh, Maddie

4:30 Girls Race
Eryn, Abby, Lily, Alexis

5:00 Boys Race
Blaze, Hunter, Julian, Jim 

Jackson M, Jon, Jaeger, Jackson R
“Win or lose you will never regret working hard, making sacrifices, being disciplined or focusing too much. Success is measured by what we have done to prepare for competition.”  – John Smith


 Go Maroons!!

Timers:  Zach, Austin, Dominik

Fans/Parents/Guardians must follow the following guidelines or risk athlete disqualification

  • Must wear a mask at all times during the meet Security at the meet will not allow entry for anyone attempting to enter without a mask.  Fans not wearing a mask during the meet will be asked to leave. 

  • Must maintain social distancing at all times

  • Must not approach teams or camps before, during or after the races

  • May not gather at the start or finish lines

  • Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in the disqualification of athletes