
Team Inspired by Olympian, “Aisha Praught.”
On this somewhat overcast and very humid day, the Moline Maroons were charged up.  Every athlete ran with a desire to win and compete within the race.  This was the one thing that was lacking in the previous meet.  Today the Team ran fearless!!!   Many, many athlete’s on the team ran a PR today. (Awesome) The team also had many athlete’s coming off the IR today and those athlete’s ran great:)
Great Job Today Team!!!!!

Site: Saukie Golf Course
Distance:  3.0 Mile
Varsity Girls

Moline Finish: 5th Place (103 Points)
Top Moline Finisher:  Alexis Wolf, 6th Place (20:41)

Frosh/Soph Girls
Top Maroon Finisher:  
Lily Knobloch, 2nd Place (21:30)

Site: Saukie Golf Course
Varsity Boys
Distance:  3.0 Mile
Moline Finish:
 3rd Place (62 Points)
Top Moline Finisher: Andrew Ellison 5th Place (16:24)

Frosh/Soph Boys
Moline Finish: 1st Place (15 Points)
2016 Rock Island Invitational Champions