Site:  Ericksen Center, Clinton Iowa
Distance: 5k
Alexis W
Moline Finish:  10th Place
Top Maroon Finisher:  Alexis Wolf, 30 Place (21:35) 

Emily Lopez
Frosh/Soph – Girls
Top Maroon Finisher:  Emily Lopez  15th Place (23:25)

Site: Ericksen Center, Clinton Iowa
Distance: 5k
Andrew E puts another victim in the passing zone
Moline Finish:  7th Place of 13 Teams
Top Maroon Finisher:  Andrew Ellison, 16th Place (17:02)

Frosh/Soph Boys
Distance 5k
The Champion of the Clinton Invite.
Moline Finish:  3rd Place of 10 Teams
Top Maroon Finisher:  Nikola Stojanovic, 1st Place  Overall Champion (17:25)