RI invite Team Photo 2nd and 3rd place

Rock Island Illinois (Saukie Golf Course)  Hot 101 with the heat index!!
Both girls and boys teams looked great for two miles.  The problem is that last mile.
Remember, “you are going to feel some pain that last mile!!  If you don’t feel any pain, then you’re
running in practice mode.  Also remember many of you are back from some sort of injury and this
may be your first or second race.  Key factor for the boys – Talent!  You can see it, you trained all
summer, it’s in you, but the biggest problem is getting the team to be on all cylinders that day.  When
this happens the team will be at another level.
Key factor for the girls – Remember the team can only go as far as the 5th, & 6th and 7th girls.  It can be challenging
and difficult at times, however you must think of your teammates.  It’s very easy to give up or shut down on
that last mile of the race, but by doing so, you’re giving up on your teammates that are counting on you.
Rule #1 as a Maroon – (Never Give Up)!!

Ri invite champions

Site: Saukie Golf Course
Distance:  3.0 Mile
Varsity Girls

Moline Finish: 2018 2nd Place  (50 Points)
Top Moline Finisher:  Lylia Gomez, 1st Place (18:59) RI Invite Champion
LG Wins the RI Invite

Varsity Boys
Distance:  3.0 Mile
Moline Finish: 2018 3rd Place (73 Points)
Top Moline Finisher: Jackson McClellan 1st Place (16:17) RI Invite. Champion

JM Wins RI Invite