Newtons’s Law
For every action, there is a equal and opposite reaction.

The Bus
Where’s the Bus?  Where’s the Bus?
In every High School and College/University sport in the country have a pre-warm-up or routine before their game, (whether it ‘s basketball, football, baseball, tennis or soccer).  No athlete just gets off a bus and start to participate in an event.  Prep time/pre-race/stretching/going over the course/race strategy, and mental focus is a major part of preparing before the race.  (That did not happen Today!!!)
We Won the Western Big 6!!!  Today we looked like a totally different team.   The entire team was effected by what we didn’t get to do over the course of the season for 9 weeks.  (pre-game/race rituals warm-ups)  Why?

The coaches are proud of you for what you accomplished over the season and it’s unfortunate that as a team we didn’t advance because the team looked awesome at WB6.  The coaches can only control so many things and the bus isn’t one of them.  When you put on that Maroon Singlet/jersey, and compete, you’re not on the team because, you want to wen,(You’re on the team because you’re expected to win.) I believe the team would have made it out if it wouldn’t been for this ungodly miscue that happen.
This would never happen to the football team!!



Grace V

Madison 2Lily and Grace S



The G Team

Fun Pic

.Em and Lylia