Site:  Rock Island (Longview Park)
Distance:  3.0 Mile (Lots of Hills)

Weather:  Overcast (Cloudy) some light sprinkles before the meet

Nice performance today on a very tough course by the Maroons!  Any athletic that feels no aches or soreness in their legs tomorrow didn’t race the course.  So when the coaches ask how you feel tomorrow, “a little sore should be your answer).

In the girls race

Varsity Girls

Moline Finish: 1st Place  (19 Points)  R.I. 36 
Top Moline Finisher:  Eryn Robertson, 1st Place (20:44)  Champion *****


Varsity Boys
Distance:  3.0 Mile
Moline Finish: 1st Place (16 Points)  R.I. 62
 Top Moline Finisher: Jackson McClellan 1st Place (16:22) Champion*****