Site:  East Moline (Empire Park)
Distance:  3.0 Mile (Flat & Fast)

Weather:  72 and sunny

It was nice to see the smiling faces competing today against the competition.  The girls ran well today, however, each athlete must realize, ‘this could be your last race of the season.’  Also this season the WB6 conference championship meet is only allowing 7 athlete’s per team to compete.  Therefore when you get a chance to race, “make it count.’
The boys ran very, very well today.  The entire team ran like it was the end of the season.  Jackson ran the last mile by himself and cruised to a 15:32 finish.  “Yikes” Jon Hutton and the Maroon pack ran like a complete team.  “Fiercely.’  

In the girls race

Varsity Girls

Moline Finish:  (30 Points)  Alleman  25 Points *) 
Top Moline Finisher:  Eryn Robertson, 2nd Place (20:19)  Champion *****
The Top 7 Runners

Varsity Boys
Distance:  3.0 Mile
Moline Finish: 1st Place (19 Points)  Alleman 42
 Top Moline Finisher: Jackson McClellan 1st Place (15:32***) Champion*****
The Top 7 Runners