Site:  East Moline Empire Park)
Distance:  3.0 Mile (Flat and Fast)

Weather:  55 & Overcast (Cloudy) some light sprinkles before the meet

Nice job Maroons!  The Sterling team is very good.  As a team the Maroons competed well against the competition.  Rule #1 (Never Give Up)  The coaches preach this all the time, (Never Give up on yourself or your teammates).  Today the team ran like champions!  Rylee Verstraete lead the Maroons in the girls race and Asvantth Paranidharan did the same in the boys race. Congrats

 Girls Race

Top Moline Finisher: Rylee Verstraete (6th Place 23:45)   


Boys Race
Distance:  3.0 Mile
 Top Moline Finisher: Asvantth Paranidharan (8th Place 18:21)