Temp 45 & 25-30 mph winds

The weather conditions were wicked, however both teams ran very, very well! The girls team, was led by first year Freshman Brooke Medinger.  Brooke battled the strong 30 mph winds and finished the race in a time of 19:51.  Brooke placed 7th, earning her special honors of “Western Big 6 All Conference.’ and helping the team to a 5th place finish.   The team had several girls on IR for this meet, that did not run.  The team also had two seniors Eryn and Ryleigh Roberston running and battling injuries for the entire season and running a very good race, and helping the team.  The Robertson twins never complains and will always give coach T and coach Jill 100%  at practice and will do whatever is necessary to help the team.  Four years of dedication and hard work for the two twins and if not for injuries, ‘who knows what kind of time they could have run this year.  Fun fact:  As a freshman they did run in the 19:30-50s.  (you just don’t know when the injury bug might bite ya)  Therefore, running with a little pain in a race is nothing for these two twins.

The boys team ran great!  Hunter Toye led the boys team to a 5th place finish at the Western Big 6 Conference.  Hunter ran to a 6th place finish with a time of 16:17 and earning special honors of “Western Big 6 All Conference.’  Hunter ran with the leaders at the start of the race and had a strong finishing kick. The entire team ran faster in a 30mph winds.  It’s kind of crazy, but what if the team had no wind to battle?  The entire team was on today and ran close to their Personal Best or surpassed it in a 30 mph wind!!  Unbelievable.  (Great Job) !!!

Nest Race:  Regionals In Minooka –  Let’s bring the energy once again


Varsity Girls
Team Finish:  5th Place (105 points)


Varsity Boys
Team Finish:  5th Place (116 Points)