
Site:  Detweiller Park, Peoria, IL
Distance:  3.0 Mile
Moline Finish:  36rd Place of 38 Teams
Top Maroon Finisher:  McKena Mathews, 253rd Place (22:51) Out of 333 runners

Girls – Open

Distance 3.0 Mile
Top Maroon Finisher: 
 Emily Lopez 312th Place (25:07)  Out of 569 runners

Site:  Detweiller Park, Peoria, IL

Distance:  3.0 Mile
Moline Finish
:  39th Place of 47 Teams
Top Maroon Finisher: Andrew Ellison, 137th Place (16:44)  Out of 431 runners

Boys – Open

Distance:  3.0 Mile

Top Maroon Finisher: Spencer Clapper, 168th Place (18:40)  Out of 700 runners