Freeport team win    Looking  Freeport Pretzels Eats

Girls Varsity
Distance 3.0 Mile
Moline Finish: 3rd Place
Top Moline Finishisher:  Lylia Gomez, 3rd Place (19:16)
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Top 7 Varsity Finish:  Emily Lopez 7th Place (20:02)  Madison Lodico 15th Place (20:42), Eryn Robertson 16th Place (20:42), Grace Vizant 23rd Place (21:23), Lily Fores 30th Place ((22:01)  Deborah Arul 31st Place (22:02)

Girls – JV
Distance 3.0 Mile
Moline Finish:  2nd Place of 12 Teams
Top Maroon Finisher:  Alyson Benson 2nd Place (21:46)
Top 5 – Rylee Verstraete 10th Place (22:51),   Arianna Raya 15th Place (23:33) Ryleigh Robertson 21st Place (24:13)  Gracie Naations 33rd Place (25:21)

Distance 3.0 Mile
Moline Finish:  1st Place Champions
Top Maroon Finisher: 
 Jackson McClellan 2nd Place (16:11)

Top 7 Varsity Finish:  Tim Wolf 3rd Place (16:21), Jon Hutton 7th Place (17:01) Zach Hemmen 16th Place (17:29)  Austin Garmon 27th Place (18:05)   Tristan Edwards 36th Place (18:27) Jon McMillian 40th Place (18:30)

Boys – Fresh-Soph
Moline Finish 4th Place of 10 Teams
Distance:  3.0 Mile
Top Maroon Finisher:  Alan Nightningale 13th Place (18:54)
Top 7 -Elias Perez 18th Place (19:03) Alex Dudek  20th Place (19:22)    Jackson Rudd  22nd Place (19:28)   Conner Pauley 30th Place (20:01), Asvanthh Paranidharan 42nd Place (20:44)   Vincent Stout 45th Place (21:01)