Temp  85 (Hot with 97% humidity

The first race of the season was just that, ( very competitive )  Dale Johnson of Sterling won the boys race with a time of (15:21)  and Olivia Schuering of Quincy won the girls race in a time of (19:29)
As a team, you must believe in yourself, and believe in Coach T and Jill workouts to reach your potential.  Remember you have to put in the training and hard work to be successful in everything you do.  This could be studying for a test or working on a project.  The coaches would always want you to do your best.  Not to put effort to just get by, but knowing that you have the potential to do more than to just get by, but do extraordinary things.

It’s not how you start, but how you finish
Tony T.   

Team (6th Place)

Team (8th Place)