Site:  Galesburg Il (Lake Storey Park)
Distance 3 Miles
Weather: 70 and Sunny

Nice job today for both the girls and the boys teams.  Eryn took the lead from the start of the race and never looked back until she finished the race.  Eryn sister Ryleigh challenged the competition today, and ran a good race.
Jackson went out hard and that was it!!  No challengers, just his shadow!!  Teammate Jon Hutton ran with Jackson for two miles and had a good race.  The Maroons ran really well as a pack today.  Two freshman pushing that second pack,  Julian Dayton and Jim Arul.’  (Keep up the good work)

Varsity Girls
Moline Finish:  (18 Points)    Galesburg  71 Points *)
Top Moline Finisher:  Eryn Robertson, 1st Place (21:14)  Champion *****
The Top 7 Runners


Varsity Boys
Distance:  3.0 Mile
Moline Finish: (20 Points)  Galesburg 41
 Top Moline Finisher: Jackson McClellan 1st Place (16:11***) Champion*****
The Top 7 Runners