Site:  East Moline (Empire Park)
Distance:  2.0 Mile (Flat & Fast)

Weather:  Sunny (Hot!!) Athlete’s will run 2 miles instead of 3 due to heat

The first race of the season and the Maroons ran well on a very hot, hot day!!!  Nice job to keep your focus throughout the race.

In the girls race

Varsity Girls

Moline Finish: 1st Place  (21 Points)  U.T 37 
Top Moline Finisher:  Eryn Robertson 2nd  Place (13:14  

The Top 7




Varsity Boys
Distance:  2.0 Mile
Moline Finish: 1st Place (18 Points)  U.T 45
 Top Moline Finisher: Jackson McClellan 1st Place (10:11) Champion*****

Varsity Boys

The Top 7