Site:  Peoria Il (Detweiller Park)
Distance 3 Miles
Weather: 45 & Cloudy & Rain

This may be the only time that any of these teams will run on the state course this year and the Maroons took advantage of the situation in hand.  The weather was perfect, ‘no wind whatsoever, however it did rain and that did not faze any of the athlete’s.  One word that could describe the performance of the Maroon teams today “Awesome!!!!”  Eryn Robertson got things going in the first race with a personal best (19:32 -21 sec)  Jackson McClellan went and won the Peoria Invitational in a time of 15:16 and a new person best (15:16) Teammate Jon Hutton ran like a animal possessed, ‘running sub 16:00 for the first time and a new personal best of 15:53 -20sec) Jaeger Norton going sub 17:00 for the first time to a new personal best of (16:52)

In the JV boys race the Maroon were pumped up from the excitement of Jackson McClellan winning the varsity race.  So one Maroon, Blaze Norton, goes out strong, leading the entire race until 10 meters left to go in the race and ran out of gas.  Blaze ran a great race and this is how champions are born!!  You can’t be afraid! Blaze didn’t win this race today, but he  showed us his, heart of a lion and his no fear qualities!!! Teammate Jim Arul ran to a second place finish in this JV race with a new personal best of going sub 17:00 to (16:59-60 sec) Hunter Toye also went sub 17:00 for the first time with a new personal best (16:59-2 minutes)  Blaze, Jim and Hunter are all freshman athlete’s, and they could be a major force if they keep this up!  

Great job today Maroons!!  Many personal best today!!  Keep it going –  (Today the team ran like it was their last race!)


Varsity Girls
Moline Top Finisher:  Eryn Robertson: 18th Place (19:32)

Varsity Boys
Moline Top Finisher:  Jackson McClellan:  1st Place Peoria Invitational Champion (15:16)

JV Boys
Top Moline Finisher:  Jim Arul: 2nd Place (16:59