Keeleyt RweekKeeley Knobloch

Keeley earned the award after taking the individual title among a field of 134 runners at last weekend’s Rock Island Invitational event with a time of 18:44. Keeley ran by her competitor with 400 meters left in the race and sprinted to the finish line.

“To give anything less than your best is the sacrifice the gift.”
 -Steve Prefonataine

Favorite Food: Orange Chicken & Rice

Favorite Home Cooked Meal: Lasagna

Favorite Dessert: Ice Cream

Favorite Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip

Favorite Cereal;  LifeLife Cereal

Favorite Movie: Monster Inc.

Favorite Movies: Happy Endings

Favorite TV Show: The Cosby Show

Favorite Music: K-Love

Favorite Color: Purple

Favorite Season: Summer & Fall

Favorite Superhero: 

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