Conor Sapp

Conor earned the award after leading the Maroons to a 3rd Place finish at the Moline Opener. Conor loves challenging courses, and the current Moline CC course is one of the toughest in the Quad City Area. (Hills, and more Hills) Very Nice-Strength & Stamina

“To keep from decaying, to be a winner, the athlete must accept pain – not only accept it, but look for it, live with it, learn not to fear it.”
                                                –Dr. George Sheehan
Favorite Movie: Unbroken
Favorite TV Show: The Walking Dead
Favorite Music: Trap
Favorite Class: American History
Favorite Food: Goulash
Favorite Dessert: Conor with a side of Frazee
Favorite Cereal: Honey Nut Cheerioshoneynut
Favorite Color: Garnet
Favorite Holiday: Columbus Day
Favorite Ice-Cream: DQ Cooke Dough Brownie Shake
Favorite Home Cooked Meal: Mom’s Goulash
Favorite Superhero: Ironmaniron man
If I Had One Super Power: Breaking 4 minute mile
Dream College:
Wartburg College