
Michael earned the award after running in the open competition at the First To The Finish Invitational. Michael completed the 3.0 mile race in a time of (19:07) which is a personal best by *(2:35 seconds*) from last year on this course.  Michael placed 230th out of 700 runners in the open competition.  Great Job!!!

Set your goals high because what a person accomplishes is in proportion to what they attempt. 
                      –Mitchell Naufell

Favorite Movie: Cool Runnings
Favorite TV Show: Duck Dynasty
Favorite Music: Capital Kings
Favorite Class: American Historycheez-it
Favorite Food: Cheez-It
Favorite Dessert: Mom’s Rhubarb Crunch
Favorite Cereal: Rasin Branrasin-bran
Favorite Color: Orange
Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving
Favorite Ice-cream: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Favorite Home Cooked Meal: Mom’s Biscuits and Gravy
Favorite Superhero: Captain Americathe-captain
If I Had One Super Power: Super Speed
Dream College: Augustana College