Sunny and cool (36) with 20mph winds.  (No Problem for the team)
Amy WolfTim and mascot keeping warm

Site:  Black Partridge Park, Metamora Illinois
Distance 3.0 Miles

Varsity Girls
Moline Finished 9th Place
Top Maroon Finisher:  Lylia Gomez 6th Place (18:21)
LG 6th Place RR

Emily Lopez 25th Place (18:56), Maddie Lodico 75th Place (20:17), Grave Vinzant 90th Place (20:30)  Kiliegh Burge 94th Place (20:38)  Debbie Arul 118th Place (21:19)  Arianna Raya 125th Place (21:48)

F/S – Girls
Distance 3.0 Miles
Moline Finish 6th Place
Top Maroon Finisher: Eryn Robertson, 9th Place (19:53)

FS top ten Eryn Robertson

Liliana Flores 23rd Place (20:28)  Alyson Benson 36th Place (21:08)  Rylee Verstraete 57th Place (22:00)  Ryliegh Robertson 89th Place (23:14)

Site:  Black Partridge Park, Metamora Illinois

Distance:  3.0 Miles
Varsity Boys
Moline Finish:  11th Place
Top Maroon Finisher:  Jackson McClellan, 8th Place (15:15)
Jackson top 10 rr

Tim Wolf 14th Place (15:33)  Jon Hutton 41st Place (16:11)  Jonathan McMillian 135th Place (17:25) Tristan Edwards 136th Place (17:26) Austin Garmon 142nd Place (17:35)  Chase Kwinski 187th Place (18:25)

F/S Boys
Moline Finish:  8th Place
Top Maroon Finisher:  Zach Hemmen, 17th Place (16:52)

Zach rr

Alan Nightingale 42nd Place (17:37)  Elias Perez 48th Place (17:43)  Conner Pauley 63rd Place (18:04)  Jackson Rudd 73rd Place (18:22)  Alex Dudex 74th Place (18:26)  Vincent Stout 119th Place (19:28)