Sala State Pic 049

Site: Peoria Illinois, (Detweiller Park)

Meet: IHSA State Championships

The weather was perfect for the start of the girls race today. The sun was out and very little to no winds. Coach Taylor and Iams goal for Sala today was to be competitive and compete. Don’t settle for making it to the big dance, but to show everyone you can dance. The gun went off to start the 3 mile championship race. Sala was in perfect position the first 300 meters of the race. She wasn’t leading the race, but was in the first quarter pack of 50 runners.

Going into the first mile, Sala went from being one of the top 50 runners to running with a group of 40 runners in the back. Going around one turn Sala fell and was spiked and several runners stepped on her foot. One of her legs was covered with dirt and blood, however Sala continued to run. Most runners would have given up and quit, however Sala was determine to finish the race and she did. In a championship race such as this it’s impossible to make up ground on other runners when a runner goes down. Sala wasn’t happy with her time after the race, however it was amazing she ran under 20 minutes, considering her fall. Sala finished the race in 128th Place with a time (19:28).

Key Fact:

Sala ran faster than her competitor Deijah from U.T at the WB 6 meet by several seconds.

At the Sectional meet Deijah was only several second ahead of Sala.

At the state me Deijah ran 18:30.

Taking these facts in consideration with Sala falling, Sala would have ran a time between (18:25-35)

Congratulation on a very nice cross country season. Moline is proud of you!!!

Heart Sala
