Weather (50 & Cloudy, little wind,  5 mph) *Perfect*

The Fast and the Furious!!!
LG State PR
This race was (Fast, Faster, Fastest!!)  Lylia ran a great race, except for one little itsy bitsy wrinkle.  (You have to get out, You have to get)  Lylia most likely lost about 10-20 seconds by running on the outside lane and being so far back that first mile.  It’s very difficult to move up when you’re running against other athletes with the same talent level.  You also must remember that you made it to the State Championship Meet because of what you have done in previous races.  Lylia ran great, but remember next time that, (they are human just like you are, they bleed, just like you, and they feel pain, just like you.)  Congrats on a Awesome season this year and  on your new  personal best today with a time of (18:16).  Awesome!!!!  The last 400 meters of the race, Lylia  was zooming by the competition like “Usain Bolt.’ Where is this speed coming from?
Lg State Meet 2
LG State Meet
LG 3
The winning time for the girls 3 mile race, (15:59 by Katelynne Hart)  who is now a three peat IHSA 3A State Champion.  The cut-off time for the top 25 in this Class 3A race was 17:08!!  That’s totally wicked
K Hart State Champion